Mark Mathew Braunstein
Mark Mathew Braunstein on vegan vegetarianism, microgreens, cannabis

11 magazine articles by
Mark Mathew Braunstein
It’s High Time to Grow Your Own Cannabis
My Opinion essay published as "Growing Pains" in January 2022 in glossy glitzy ritzy monthly Connecticut Magazine.
... and as "High Time ..." in the Nov15, 2021, CT Mirror
... and as "High Time ..." in the Nov12, 2021, issues of 19 (yes, 19) Connecticut newspapers, including one with CT’s 2nd largest circulation, Connecticut Post
Pass That Joint? Maybe Pass ON That Joint (1.3MB)
Hold a pack of rolling papers in your hand. Do you really want to hold that in your lungs?
WEED WORLD magazine - Fall 2023 issue 166
British cannabis magazine published since 1991
adapted from my book, Mindful Marijuana Smoking
Keep Your Drugs Off Drugs (440K)
Pesticides & PGR (Plant Growth Regulators) are applied to cannabis that are transmitted in the smoke.
WEED WORLD magazine - Summer 2023 issue 165
British cannabis magazine published since 1991
adapted from my book, Mindful Marijuana Smoking
PIPES - More Than a Pipe Dream (1MB)
Pipes offer several health advantages over joints.
WEED WORLD magazine - late Spring 2023 issue 164
British cannabis magazine published since 1991
adapted from Chapter 4 of my book, Mindful Marijuana Smoking
What's Hiding in Your Weed? with photos by this author
GROW: The Hemp and Cannabis Horticulture Magazine
digital issues can be read at: www.growmag.com/digital-issues
2.3MB standalone article on my own website here
adapted from Chapter 7 of my book, Mindful Marijuana Smoking
The most important health tip is also the easiest.
WEED WORLD magazine - early Spring 2023 issue 163
British cannabis magazine published since 1991
adapted from Chapter 1 of my book, Mindful Marijuana Smoking
Warmth, Light, Moisture & Air all reduce potency,
so here's how to protect potency
WEED WORLD magazine - Winter 2022-23 issue 162
British cannabis magazine published since 1991
adapted from Chapter 8 of my book, Mindful Marijuana Smoking
PLAYING with FIRE ( 950K PDF )
Upgrade your ignition system with safer alternatives
WEED WORLD magazine - early Fall 2022 issue 159
British cannabis magazine published since 1991
adapted from Chapter 2 of my book, Mindful Marijuana Smoking
Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy ( 400K PDF )
What to Eat and Drink to Reduce the Health Risks of Smoking Cannabis
WEED WORLD magazine - early Winter 2022-23 issue 161
British cannabis magazine published since 1991
adapted from Chapter 9 of my book, Mindful Marijuana Smoking
The Big Bong Theory ( 700K PDF )
Waterpipes cool the hot smoke, but do not moisten it.
They do trap tar, but also cannabinoids, so little gained.
WEED WORLD magazine - late Fall 2022 issue 160
British cannabis magazine published since 1991
adapted from Chapter 5 of my book, Mindful Marijuana Smoking
Seeing through the Smoke (book review)
My book review of Seeing through the Smoke by Peter Grinspoon, MD, published in the Dec 14, 2024 issue of Compulsive Reader
“Reviews of books by some of the hottest writers working today”
also published in Neighbors Paper monthly newspaper
Getting High and Staying Healthy (470K PDF)
Treating Yourself: The Alternative Medicine Journal
8 page article in Fall 2008 issue
Every full issue (Fall 2008, issue #13,): https://treatingyourself.com/back-issues/
Issue #13 (pages 55-61) directly: http://treatingyourself.com/magazine/issue13.pdf
56-minute video
56 minute video by the
New England Medical Cannabis Support Group
My talk about 10 ways to reduce the health risks of smoking marijuana
3 minute video by the
Wall Street Journal,
demonstrating my technique of smoking pot by using a candle to light toothpicks to fire up a pipe of cannabis
read the WSJ article here
unless access is money-walled, in which case you can access it by searching for the November 14, 2014, article, "In Connecticut, Medical-Pot Program Draws Mixed Reviews"
Article (about me, not by me)
Connecticut Magazine, April 2019
cover story about Cannabis in Connecticut,
in which I am profiled as an example of 1 of over 30,000 licensed patients in CT
RESOURCES other than my own
The Great Marijuana Hoax by Allen Ginsberg
Allen Ginsberg's generation's first manifesto advocating the legalization of cannabis. Published in 1966, this Poet on Pot was 50 years ahead of his time.
I disclaim any ownership of copyright, but provide this 400K PDF solely as a public service to disseminate Ginsberg's prophecy about cannabis.
Growing Marijuana in New England by Peter Oakum
Authorship of this 44-page booklet is shrouded in mystery because it was published in 1977 during the deep freeze of the War on (Some) Drugs. Peter Oakum is a pseudonym. It is assumed he is sadly now deceased, else he would have divulged his identity during our liberation from prohibition. I disclaim ownership of copyright, but provide this 6MB PDF solely as a public service to disseminate the author's expertise in growing cannabis outdoors in cold climates.